

How to observe whether the gas cylinder leaks

Click on the:   Time:2021-10-22   

Pure butane gas does not smell, but the butane gas filled in the special cylinder of portable furnace has been deodorized. As soon as there is a leak, there is an odor (like the odor of rotten Onions) that is easy to identify.

In addition, the cylinder can be immersed in water, and if air leaks, bubbles will come out of the leak.

If air leakage occurs, the gas cylinder should be quickly away from the fire, take the outdoor ventilation to let off the gas.

To quickly drain the gas, open the red cap of the cylinder, face down, and press the top of the cylinder against something hard, such as a stone or cement. After about 7-8 minutes, the gas in the bottle (250g) is completely released.

After shaking the cylinder to make sure it is silent, dispose of the empty cylinder as non-combustible waste.


ON:On what occasions can portable furnace not be used NEXT:None!
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