

Advantages of portable furnace

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Portable stoves have the following six advantages:

(1) Overpressure protection device, when the cylinder pressure is too high, the pressure regulator will automatically cut off the gas.

(2) Stable output pressure: the pressure output from the gas cylinder through the pressure regulator is quite stable.

(3) Strong technical force: Iwatani portable furnace condense nearly 50 years of manufacturing experience from Japanese professional manufacturers.

(4) Stable performance: Yangu portable furnace passed the national inspection, stable performance, full combustion, beautiful flame.

(5) Operation safety: when the switch is open, the cylinder can not be installed, and only when the switch is closed, the cylinder can be taken out, so as to ensure that the whole operation without any danger.

(6) Beautiful and convenient: Yangu portable furnace is beautiful in appearance and easy to use. So, please feel free to use iwatani portable furnace.


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