

The use method of national combustion energy portable furnace

Click on the:   Time:2021-10-22   

Now ubiquitous built-in oven, built-in oven hot pot restaurant, family built-in oven cooking, outdoor tourism will also built-in oven as a cooking appliances, light and portable, also known as mobile kitchen, for the life of people brought a lot of convenience, but we do not have the right to the use of built-in oven, there are a lot of potential safety hazard, easy to produce risk. The following is a small series to understand the correct use of the cassette furnace!

1. Remove the red cap from the top of the butane cylinder


2. Open the side cover of the cartridge furnace and see the slot and bayonet of the butane gas cylinder installed in the cartridge furnace


3. The notch of the butane cylinder should be aligned with the protruding part of the bayonet of the cartridge furnace


4. Gently push the butane gas cylinder with your hand to make it close to the protruding part of the bayonet of the chuck furnace


5, turn the switch knob to the "ON "position, hear the" click "can light the fire, the flame fully lit the burner and then let go.


6, adjust the size of the fire, the switch knob to the left of the fire becomes larger, the switch knob to the right of the fire gradually smaller.


7, turn OFF the heat, just turn the switch back to the "OFF" position

ON:National Combustion energy outdoor portable assembly furnace NEXT:How to improve the thermal efficiency of portable furnace?
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